High-Stakes Family Law Issues Require An Experienced Lawyer
Experienced, results-oriented legal representation is vital when you are facing the end of your marriage. Emotionally traumatic and oftentimes financially devastating, divorce actions require an attorney who combines skills in negotiation and litigation at a firm that charges reasonable legal fees.
Far too much is at stake to settle for lesser-experienced counsel, especially when it comes to child custody issues and the use and division of community property. Even if your divorce is amicable, you need an attorney who will attend to every detail of your case.
A Lawyer Who Focuses On Your Best Interests
At Erik E. Kjeldsen, Attorney at Law, we spend time with clients by going through the facts of their case and also by understanding the claims made by their spouses. Our family law practice includes:
- Divorce
- Child custody
- Child support
- Spousal support, also known as alimony
- Prenuptial/postnuptial agreements
- Property division
Understanding Property Division In Louisiana
In Louisiana, the legal regime of the Community of Acquets and Gains governs the classification of assets and debts acquired during the marriage unless the parties opt out by entering into a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. A postnuptial agreement would be used to opt out of the community, but Louisiana law requires filing a petition with the court in order to do so.
Pending the partition of property, one spouse’s exclusive use of the family home can also become a contentious issue. Generally, if the court awards the exclusive use of the home to one spouse, the other has a right to seek a claim for fair market rental value associated with that use. However, certain action must be done in order to protect that right.
The end of a marriage is a challenging part of your life where you may see only limited choices.
Experienced Attorney Representing Clients In Parishes Throughout Louisiana
For an initial consultation with a Baton Rouge family law attorney, please fill out our intake form. You can also reach us by calling 225-250-1759.